Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Why I Call some of you Eurotrash, clubscum, nightslime


Today I stopped for a struggling mother who was dealing with a small child and bags of groceries in a ritzy part of town. I,. a cripple more or less and I squeeze into and out of one of these little hybrids that Mike Bloomberg used to love before the taxi of tomorrow only accompanied by pain so by the time I got out to hrlp her shr didn't need me. Fifteen dollar trip to a housing project. Three dollar tip. Chew on that .

Trouble in Hailo and Uber land


On Thursday morning the nine boatd membets of the New York Taxi and Limousind Commission will be deciding whether or n,ot Hailo and Uber will legally continje in the taxi ga,me here. 

I have done what I am able to do to alert them to the clear and present danger that their driver apps and procedures pose to the public by inviting and virtually forcing illegal and injudicious distracted driving. 

You uoght to read my article that appeared in the Guardian in August.
Http,:// and the several posts on this blog

Hailo is trying to counter this one man campaign by launching a petition a d tweeting out an email form letter urging the Commissioners to fall into li e with this dangerous, useless but well finnced cultiish fad.

When I was a boy fads were healthier. Hula hoops also nevekilled anyone the way distracted drivers do. Commissioner Yassky I have said some very harsh things about you. You can proove me wrong and make me eat my words. Stand up to this steamroller fad that bodes ill for public safety.

Keystone Kops :)


Garth Johnston of the Gothamist, Functional illiterate