Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Why I Call some of you Eurotrash, clubscum, nightslime


Today I stopped for a struggling mother who was dealing with a small child and bags of groceries in a ritzy part of town. I,. a cripple more or less and I squeeze into and out of one of these little hybrids that Mike Bloomberg used to love before the taxi of tomorrow only accompanied by pain so by the time I got out to hrlp her shr didn't need me. Fifteen dollar trip to a housing project. Three dollar tip. Chew on that .

Trouble in Hailo and Uber land


On Thursday morning the nine boatd membets of the New York Taxi and Limousind Commission will be deciding whether or n,ot Hailo and Uber will legally continje in the taxi ga,me here. 

I have done what I am able to do to alert them to the clear and present danger that their driver apps and procedures pose to the public by inviting and virtually forcing illegal and injudicious distracted driving. 

You uoght to read my article that appeared in the Guardian in August.
Http,:// and the several posts on this blog

Hailo is trying to counter this one man campaign by launching a petition a d tweeting out an email form letter urging the Commissioners to fall into li e with this dangerous, useless but well finnced cultiish fad.

When I was a boy fads were healthier. Hula hoops also nevekilled anyone the way distracted drivers do. Commissioner Yassky I have said some very harsh things about you. You can proove me wrong and make me eat my words. Stand up to this steamroller fad that bodes ill for public safety.

Keystone Kops :)


Garth Johnston of the Gothamist, Functional illiterate

The idiocy of The Gothamist"s John del Signore

Friday, February 21, 2014

Austin Texas cops come down with Bratton-deBlasio syndrome

They could not find an 84 year old Chinese jay walker to kick the shit out of so they had to make do with what was available pulling this jogger's arm to try and see if they can dislocate it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pussy Riot was in Sochi but there never was a pussy riot nor any other type of riot . Shortage were unknown so there was a lack of anything to riot about .

There never was a riot in Suchi about pussy or about anything else. There was plenth of milk, meat, fish, poultry, toilet paper, sosp, fruits amd vegetablrs, etc.

Everyboby's talking about how bad it was that some Pussy riot babes straight out of the hoosgow was staying in a hotel in Sochi which can't be cheap when they got picked up for questioning about a robbery in theirnhotel. It turns out that all of the guests got questioned.

Right the nerve of those cops suspecting three recently released from prison no visible means of support failed musicians of neing up to no good in a fancy four or fove star hotel.

Pussy riot getting themselves arrested in the main Cathedral in Moscow a couple years ago.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The dignity of work

Definitely not The Gothamist

Please Don't Vomit In the Taxi

Monday, February 17, 2014

Big time economist Charles Komanoff says that jaywalking makes New York City's economy more viable and that as a matter of fact if de Blasio actually ends jay walking this might wreck the entire freaking local economy.

But he hates automobiles. I just wonder, just sain' I wonder if  he is into Gaia and thinks the human herd needs to be culled alot, like eighty petcent.

The photo comes from thrGothamist who took the story from the New York Times.

Please Don't Vomit In the Taxi

Free Meagan Eagan! Any hetero High School boy would have wanted to be her " victim".

Oh! The humanity! What is going to "scar" her "victim" for life is knowing that the four trips to heaven that the attractive 25 year old gym teacher gave him has resulted in her own destruction. Come on men  admit it: you wish there had been A Meagan Eagan in your world when you were a teenager.

Thanks to Jen Chung of the Gothamist for ripping off this article and bringing it to my attention.

NYPD "on the job" did nothing after Deisy Garcia was assaulted by her husband. She filed a police report saying that he will kill her. Hr did so as well as killed their two daughters

Cops never bothered to translate the report ftom Spanish and had taken no action about the assault. The Gothamist syole the story from the New York Post which is outstanding in coverage of lurid horror stories.
I am in turn curating, if you will, the story off of them.

Please Don't Vomit In the Taxi

Central Park snow penis built by two adult men in Central Park

The work of sociopathic fascistic Supermren who. pee on the customs and sentiments of common people. Natch got lots of play from The Gothamist.

Please Don't Vomit In the Taxi

Sunday, February 16, 2014

All that stuff about Kitty Genovese's murder was mostly hooey says The New York Post Yesterday
The Gothamist ran with this.
Other than to discredit Phil Ochs I don't know why this eas big news I guess it was an anniversary related to the ctimr.
It was a lie that no one called: the cops. Guess what? Someone did call the cops
 The cops never tesponded. The poor girl eas not mortally wounded in the first attack. Ehen the guy first ran seay but he came back to finish the murder whrn he figured correctly that the cops were not gonna show up.

Please Don't Vomit In the Taxi

It's gonna snow and snow some more. God is angry with New York for electing a Social Democrat mayor. And this Social Democrat mayor cannot handle the snow because he is beholden to the unions.

Guest editorial by John del Signore
Bill deBlasio is a nice guy who happens to be a socialist. Look it up for yourself on google but please do not look me up on google.
He honeymooned in Cuba with his Black nationalist lesbian wife so there you have it. Every New York mayor kisses the wailing wall and matches in the St. Patrick Day  parade except Bill deBlasio. Back in Giuliani Time we didn't  have these piles of dirty snow amd snowed in cats. He told the Sanitation workers "  look we pay you good effin money so do your effin jobs. Take these piles of snow, put them on these trucks and dump the snow in the river
and repeat this process until the freakin snow is gone. deBlasio is like " what does the union contract say" and "are they getting their coffee breaks?"

Please Don't Vomit In the Taxi

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tipping points for visitors to America from Europe, Quebec and the Bronx. Guest editorial by Jenny Chen of The Gothamist

These are two nickles worth ten cents Ameirican. 
Tipping is a thing that polite people do when they are in our country.

Now if you could buy pure calories of nutritional energy thesr two nickles would just about buy you rnough cslories to say " kipp zee tchanj".

Takes more timr to to say "two nickles" than it takes to earn them ;at the federal minimum wage. Therefore  two nickles, or a dime, or even ten pennies is not really a tip. 

In the past a tip would be fifteen to twenty percent of  bill but now a 'Broolyn style tip for a taxi ride from Manhattan is mote often thAn not one dollar if paying cash, ten percet credit card.

Tipping iz a thing plite people do in the United States of America. Ee geel good when wr lr
Tipping representz an American etbical stance. Where it is optional ethically it is mandatory. In Germany the state collects church tithes. This is not fucking  Germany so if you do 't want to even pretend to respect uor way of doing things then  go the fuck someplace else.

Please Don't Vomit In the Taxi

Brooklyn white guy fucks up big time on Valentines Day.

I also fucked up but they were fucked up.
She jumped  out of the cab at a red  light on Canal Street.
Appears she did not like the strip club at all.

Please Don't Vomit In the Taxi

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Gothamist would never ask you this.

But this is not the Gothamist.

The Gothamist took someone's instagram pictures of a car that fell right off the Bruckner.

Two old people were in it. If I was the reporter I would of asked "how the hell do you drive into free fall off of the Btickner? And I would say it looks like God kept the old people okay.The Gothamist does not ask questions except for " how come that guy still has a hack license? " but this guy can drive off a highway crashing with the pavement bow. He is not driving a taxi sk it is cool?

Here is my pictures of a crazy guy who got in my taxi and a dead deer in a garbage can in Washington Heights, not the part thst is nice.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ms. Not Tbe Gothamist Thursday 2/6/14

This babe never consented to being ms. Not the gothamist @ScarletBouvier

I bet that isn't her real name.

Not really funny

DMX says he's gonna fuck George Zimmerman up and piss on his face for charity on March first according to TMZ

The Gothamist lifted the story from TMZ and we're lifting it off of them both.

DMX should get busy training because unconvicted murderer Zimmerman is a lot younger than him and has been training for this match.

DMX says he will fuck up Zimmerman on behalf of every black person abused by the system.
I wish DMX well but I wish someone younger and athletic would take this on.