Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tipping points for visitors to America from Europe, Quebec and the Bronx. Guest editorial by Jenny Chen of The Gothamist

These are two nickles worth ten cents Ameirican. 
Tipping is a thing that polite people do when they are in our country.

Now if you could buy pure calories of nutritional energy thesr two nickles would just about buy you rnough cslories to say " kipp zee tchanj".

Takes more timr to to say "two nickles" than it takes to earn them ;at the federal minimum wage. Therefore  two nickles, or a dime, or even ten pennies is not really a tip. 

In the past a tip would be fifteen to twenty percent of  bill but now a 'Broolyn style tip for a taxi ride from Manhattan is mote often thAn not one dollar if paying cash, ten percet credit card.

Tipping iz a thing plite people do in the United States of America. Ee geel good when wr lr
Tipping representz an American etbical stance. Where it is optional ethically it is mandatory. In Germany the state collects church tithes. This is not fucking  Germany so if you do 't want to even pretend to respect uor way of doing things then  go the fuck someplace else.

Please Don't Vomit In the Taxi

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